Friday, 30 September 2011

Miserable Mood

Everyone at home is in miserable mood. 
I think Maruko is not cominng home at all, but "u" still haven't given-up hope to find Maruko alive.
He was really upset when I told him the possibility of not able to see Maruko again.
He was in tears this morning ....... his big brother told me just now.
If maruko is dead he wants to bury him himself ...... sigh
I didn't expected him being too attached to Maruko as compare to his big brother. 

              "u" with Maruko a few years back

                                          Big brother "z"  a few years back too

                                              Yesterday meal, mee goreng !!!

Thursday, 29 September 2011

End of Syawal

Today, 29th Sept is the 1st Zulkaedah ....... raya dah habis dah!
Yesterday this is what left after a month of beraya, which is kerepek2 and steam cakes from the fridge. Lemon teacake pun ada berlebih sikit. 
Decided to brought it to the office as penutup hari raya .... hu hu hu

                Kerepek2 yg masih ada kat atas meja  ...........

            Kek buah kukus and kek Pandan Lumut kukus ...... the leftover

             Lemon teacake leftover too ...... mcm2 leftover kan !

All the leftover angkut ke office semalam kasi perabih, the boys dah jemu with cakes, cakes and more cakes sepanjang bulan Syawal ni. I myself pun seronok baking je, makan tak pun.
Mummy cooked sphagetti olio for the boys yesterday for their meal at home.

                  Olio Spaghetti with chicken frank ........ "u" 's favourite

Anyway the boys tak selera sangat this few days. Busy dok mencari Maruko yang masih tak balek2 lagi. We are just too worried now, it has been 5 days now. Maruko tak pernah tak balek lebih drp a few days. Apalah dah jadi kat dia ..... cedera teruk ke? gaduh ke? tgh gila kat gegirl ke?

Last night mummy joined "u" and "z" went looking for him at a nearby small bushes just in case, takde kelibat dia lansung. Neighbours yg kenal Maruko pun haven't see his sight since last Sunday. We have tried our best, we leave it to Allah SWT  now, hoping for miracle .........

Maruko ..... mummy, "z" and "u" missed you alot, life wouldn't be the same without you baby.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011


As at today, Maruko is still missing ....... sigh
The boys were still searching for him high and low, day and night !!!
We hope and pray for his safety, will come back home very soon.
Maruko, deep down we know you are safe and sound but ......

                 Maruko ........ 4 years ago

Everyone at home is in sombre mood, we missed Maruko.

                        Maruko ...... the latest this year

Where are you Maruko ?????

Monday, 26 September 2011

What a weekend ....... !!!???!!!

I haven't updated my journal over the past few days. It has been a busy weekend for us ...... open houses again. Saturday 24th Sept .... early morning breakfast cum raya open house at our neighbour in SU. We had nasi lemak, roti canai and kueh mueh melayu + kueh raya  etc. No photos taken there, malu pulak nanti orang hairan la pulak ..... apahal la makcik ni sibuk2 ambik gambar their food ???
Another open house in the evening at my in-laws in Puchong, sempat la baked 2 loaves of sandwich cakes to bring over there. 



Alhamdulillah .... the cakes were a "hit" during the makan2 session !!!!!
Menu at Puchong were nasi tomato, ayam masak merah, sambal goreng, nasi lemak sambal sotong, sup tulang and all the kueh mueh raya. Best sup tulang tu !
We were at Puchong till after maghrib, jumpa some relatives yg tak sempat jumpa before. Saturday meals were all covered at the open houses ..... breakfast, high-tea and dinner. We reached home at after nine, tired but still stayed-up till midnight, watched movie, lupa tajuknya ......  but it's about a pet dog. It's really fun and entertaining ...... "z" and mummy watched till the end, but "u" fall asleep earlier  ( not his type of movie ) ha ha ha  .........    

Sunday 25th Sept. morning activities tending to our garden ..... the flowers blossomed well !!!!


Mummy cooked  fried bee hoon for breakfast. We went to Carrefour in the afternoon and had our lunch there. We head off to rumah atuk and nenek in Tmn Selayang for a family meeting ...... shhhh ???

Anyway it's about the upcoming kenduri for Pak Uda's wedding reception in November. Everything went well, the boys having fun meeting their cousins. Nenek cooked nasi biryani, dalca daging, sambal burung puyuh and itik panggang ..... kira exotic la menu nenek for today. The roasted duck was superb, loved it, but "u'" didn't touch it at all ...... apalah , tak mau cuba lansung, he find it so weird to eat  DUCK  !!!!!
We went home after dinner, but where is our Maruko ??? Risau pulak dah dua hari tak balek2 lagi ni ..... mana dia pergi eh ????
Maruko please come home, we missed you. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

It's Wednesday ..........

Alhamdulillah, it's Wednesday aaaaaand it's the middle of the weekdays. Two more days to go to work before the coming weekend. I'm counting days to weekend for a break, penat ahhh. But then this coming Saturday there will be another open house invitation ...... pergi makan free pun penat jugak tau.

19th Sept, Monday night I invited a few good friends aka neighbours over for dinner and raya2 at my house. I cooked nasi lemak with sambal sotong, telur rebus, timun, ikan bilis and kacang tanah goreng + ayam goreng berempah. I was not working last Monday cos I had an appoinment with a gynea in the morning at Sg Buloh Hospital. Since it was raining so heavily, I decided to take off day and cook something for my closed neighbour.  
I managed to bake a lemon tea cake too ......
By the way terlupa nak snap gambar during dinner cos busy layan tetamu ....he he he 

By the way last night we had the leftover nasi lemak for dinner minus the ayam goreng !!!
The boy never complaint anyway ...... laju je makan.

                       This is my plate of nasi lemak and sambal sotong tu .......

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Long weekend .......

It has been quite a long weekend ...... Hari Malaysia celebration, Saturday and Sunday. Since it is still Hari Raya here and there, we were busy too. Hari Malaysia and Merdeka celebration on Friday 16th  Sept the boys and friends ber Hari Raya at rumah kawan2 and cikgu sekolah. They are coming to our house too.  Early morning I baked some chocolate cakes for the boys ........

                                         The leftover ...........

    The boys were really having fun ....... boy's talk ......  ..... mmm !!!!!

Saturday the 17th Sept we were packed with open houses invitation. Lunch at Mak Teh's in Puchong, high tea at Pak Uda's Puchong too. Dinner at Mama's house in Taman Jasa and supper at untie Y's at Putra Laksama. Punyalah busy makan2 samapai lupa nak snap a photo ..... not at all grhhh
Anyway Saturday consider I closed my kitchen, ....  jalan2 raya2 and makan2 kat rumah orang je.

18th Sept, Sunday we decided to have our breakfast at ............

                                   "u" choosed hot pancakes with maple syrup and egg muffin


                                      pilihan mummy ......... sausage mc muffin

                                           "z" choosed big breakfast !!!!

Alhamdulillah ...... kenyang, syukur atas nikmat Allah. We decided to make a tour at Pusat Kusta Sg Buluh  Nurseries. Seronoknya jalan2 tgk pokok bunga cantik2 semuanya, udara pun nyaman je dalam kawasan nurseries tu. Jom ikut kami jalan2 ........

                                 "z" tgh berposing tu ...............

           bunga raya pun npk cantik kat sini

           kat bawah tu bunga taik ayam je ..... gorgeous tu

               tokey kedai pun sempat ter posing .....
We ended up buying a few plants ..... tak boleh tahan geram ...... he he he
Kami tiga beranak  pun start aktiviti gardening la late that evening, obviously "u" lah yg paling bersemangat, he just loves animals and plants, he might end up being a petani berjaya one day.

                                           hanging Petunia under the car porch ......


                                           tak ingat la nama pokok ini  ..... cantik macam carnation

That was our weekend story. The rest will be continue to the next day insya'allah

Thursday, 15 September 2011

His Favourites .......

Yesterday for his birthday, baked him one of his favourite .... tadaaaaa .... !!!
Look, it's baked macaroni, he really enjoyed it ... yum yum yum !

Prepared in the morning before I leave to the office .. ha ha ha !

Pop into the oven .....

It's done ... !!!!

Makan time ...... Bismillahirahmanirahim, jom join sekali !

He requested for Big Apple doughnuts instead of birthday cake. Dah jemu makan cake sepanjang hari raya celebration ni agaknya.
After office I went to get him half a dozen. Nasib baik kat KLCC dah ada Big Apple, kalau tak jenuh nak menapak ke Bukit Bintang sana.
He is more than happy, I'm a happy mum too ha ha ha

Promosi Big Apple tu ......!!!!

Enjoying his doughnut !!!

Malam ni they are attending an open house, so tak payah prepare dinner....
yahoo bestnya, mummy makan apa aje yg ada kan ?!?!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Happy Birthday to"u"

Today is u's birthday. He is now 13 yrs old .... time just flies too fast. Rasa mcm semalam je dia baby, merangkak, bertahtih, jalan jatuh etc lepas tu masuk kindy, lepas tu masuk primary .... pejam celik, pejam celik skrg dah masuk secondary.

I'm trying to download some of his baby, toddler, kindy and primary school photos tapi nya tak dpt2 lagi. Let me keep trying for awhile ..... mummy is still in a learning process of this blogging thing

Anyway to u, semuga Allah SWT sentiasa memelihara dirimu, memberi kesihatan yg baik, di murahkan rezeki sentiasa. Doa mummy u will be anak yg beriman dan beramal soleh .... mudah2an berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat !!!
Mummy loves you baby will always be my baby

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

My Charming Boys

Bismillahirahmanirahim ......

Today I created this blog for my two boys Z and u. Hope that one day when mummy is not around, you both could still cherish those beautiful moments that we have shared together, Insya'allah. Dedicated to both of you with lots of love muah ... muah ... muah !!!!

My eldest, 14 yrs old z
The only "adek" u will be 13th tomorrow !!!!