Monday, 19 November 2012

Aktiviti Hujung Minggu .......

Canopy Walk, Forest Tracking and swimming session ....... with
Mama and Mummy and families ........

Location : FRIM, Kepong
Day/Date : Saturday/17th November, 2012
Time : appx 8.30am - 1.00pm

 fresh air to start our morning walk .........what a breeze !!!!!

spectacular view .......... wonderful feeling

location plan for interesting places inside the forest ........

Quarters for staffs originally ........

are now turned into research offices ......

some are just left abandon ....... wouldn't mind having one of those !!!!!  

beautiful greens ...... and surroundings

also a camp site for those interested  ..........

Hujan on and off ......... kejap lebat, kejap renyai2, spoilt our initial plan to go swimming
Kesian those kids ........ dah semangat nak berendam dalam sungai
Next time kita datang lagi kata Uncle H ..... ok2

our youngest participant ....... Syiap !!!!

and finally the makan2 time ....... at a cafeteria nearby 

Adam and bro " z " ........ kuyup kena hujan lebat

Mat, Mama and Uncle H ....... tunggu hujan berhenti !!!!

Leeya kebuluran ....... tak nampak orang dah

" u " is the last person who makan nasi ...... tak tahan kut tgk semua orang duk makan 

 being rewarded with banana ice cream ....... for being the youngest tracker up the canopy walk
Syabas Syiap !!!!!!

sedap kata Syiap !!!!

  Sunday at home .......... Hujan, hujan and hujan sepanjang hari                                             

another lepak2 day ....... for " u" and Mr Tompok

and another masak2 day for mummy ........                                                           

Ikan sembilang goreng berlada fav bro " z "

Daging korban + Kacang Buncis goreng kicap

Masak lemak Cili padi Ikan Bilis Tembaga

and Seri Muka for minum petang !!!!!!

Friday, 16 November 2012

Salam Maal Hijrah

Yesterday was 1st Muharam 1434 Hijrah.
Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru kepada Muslimin dan Muslimat semua.
Mudah2an kehidupan kita semua hari ini dan seterusnya adalah lebih baik drp semalam dan juga tahun2 sebelumnya ........
Selamat berhijrah ke arah yg lebih baik, Insya'allah !!!!!

Since it was another public holiday ......
hooorrayyyy it's time to just RILEX 
Told the boys we are not going anywhere, mummy just want to lepak2 at home tau. 
But then mana ada istilah rilex kalau kat rumah kan? Nak makan kena masak jugak kan !!!
Since it hass been raining the whole morning, our activities were cooking, eating, cooking and eating and munching non stop + playing with our little cuties ........
Sejuk2 hari hujan semua doq melengkar tidur je ..... as bro " z " said best nya jadi kucing, makan tidur je kerja dia .......  

our cutie Miss Belang dgn aksi posing maut !!!!!!

jelingan menggoda ......  marah kena kejut dari tidur tu

terkejut ..... she has a beautiful eyes isn't she ????

Miss Blackie sparkling eyes !!!!! pun terkejut gak

We had a complete home cook meal from breakfast to lunch to tea to dinner ........
but we managed to only snap our lunch ....... the rest TERLUPA
Anyway we had cekodoq jagung + udang for breakfast, lunch of masak Ketam lemak cili padi and Ayam Goreng for " u " ( konon tak makan ketam ...... in the end dia yang makan banyak  ) and Orange tea cake for tea.
The tea cake was baked by bro " z " ....... so moist and tender. Well done mummy's boy, lepas ni boleh ambik tempahan kan ????  

Lemak Cili Padi Ketam and

Ayam Goreng Berempah for lunch and dinner !!!!

This morning sempat tumis Sardin Cili Padi before mummy left for bro " z " lunch.
He was at home all alone today. He wants to be in comfort of his cats and garden while
" u " went to Selayang to meet his cousins !!!!! 

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Happy Deepavali .......

Selamat menyambut Deepavali or Diwali folks !!!!
This blog has been neglected for quite a while now ...... MOHON MAAF
Thousand apologise to those who is still following this journal ...... sorry Uncle J, lamo bonar eden tak bercerita ceriti ni ...... bukan apo J, anak exam, omak pun exam jugak, tu la pasal.
Hari ni genap 2 bulan tak sengaja blog tertido, so it's better to wake up now than never ..... Ha ha ha Selamt Pagi semua !!!
Anyway it's school holidays now ...... sikit ada free la !!!!! 

Since yesterday was a public holiday and our neighbours next door were celebrating Diwali, we were in festive mood as well ( spirits kejiranan and 1Malaysia tau  )

Early morning they sent us Diwali breakfast ....... Thosai and Vadai, TQ Achi  !!!!

Maruku and kueh goyang ..... krup krup, best tau !!!!

and assortments of Diwali cookies ..... made from ghee, we love it !!!! 

Mummy pun gigih la mem "baking" di awal pagi nak membalas pinggan mangkok Achi next door, orang berbudi kita ber bahasa kan ......

Vanilla cup cakes for next door 

and Chocolate Chips butter cake for bro "z"

happy faces sejak habis PMR ni ...... muka pun dah bulat sikit !!!!

habis baking ....... decorating la pulak kan

 Deepavali spirits ....... our cakes pun kena bright and colourful jugak 

Bro " z" and " u " went to deliver the cup cakes next door, ...... sempat beraya lagi kat sana.
Konon nak tolong hantar je, tapi Achi tahan suruh makan kueh raya kat rumah dia dulu .......
Kesian " u " dengan tak mandi pagi nya, dah kena beraya dengan baju busuk malam tadi .... mau bersin Aci tu kan, Hik hik hik !!!
Sape suruh malas mandi pagi ....... ???? Cuti tak cuti bangun pagi terus lah mandi .......

Introducing our new kid on the block ......

the cutie pie ....... Miss Belang
the three siblings yang sedang membesar bagai johan ........

photo of the siblings with their mom taken a few months back ..... kittens lagi !!!!!

Pening jugak ramai2 ........ belum masuk yang stray cats datang tumpang makan lagi. Kena beli cat food yang 7kg per bag per month.
Tak pelah ...... mahluk ciptaan Allah jugak, rezeki tu pun datang dari Allah SWt kan, Insya'allah tak susah mana pun walau tak kaya raya.
Money cannot buy happiness. We are happier with their loves and affections !!!