Monday, 31 December 2012

Countdown to ....... Year 2013

Salam and Hi again everyone .......
Year 2012 is leaving us in a few hours time,
so let's welcome the 2013 dengan penuh KESYUKURAN 
Syukur kerana di beri peluang untuk terus hidup sehingga ke hari ini ......
Syukur kerana di limpahkan rezeki dalam berbagai bentuk selepas
beberapa dugaan demi dugaan di harungi ......
Syukur kerana masih dikelilingi oleh insan2 yang kita sayangi  
Syukur ke hadratmu ALLAH SWT di atas segala nikmat dan kurniaan mu itu .....

Today not going to continue on Part 2 of the school holidays just yet ...... maybe in a next few days.
But I'm gonna blog another significant event for our families that took place a few days ago. 
Alhamdulillah !!!! ........ finally Auntie B and Uncle F1 tie the knot on the 29th December, 2012.
As an eldest sister, Mummy is overly happy for both of them. They managed to put the past behind, start a new life and may they live happily ever after Insya'allah.
Congratulations to Adam and Bella too, you now officially have an ABI beside having IBU  and BABAH. You both are so lucky having so many people around you that loves you as their own son and daughter ...... so be grateful dears.

So here are the majlis Akad Nikah  at a surau nearby our parents. We also threw them a small majlis Kesyukuran at our parents home in Selayang. Enjoy the photos during the event !!!!

 28th December 2012, on the eve of the Akah Nikah ceremony .........

" Pelamin " mini at our parents home .........

" Berinai " with anak2 sedara .......

honestly ...... Geli !!! Yuks, never like this, never ever  

Auntie B in Punjabi suit ????? Hindustani ..... whatever !!!!

Goodies bags are ready to go !!!!!

Our gifts for the groom " dulang hantaran " for the next day are ready too ..........
Hasil sentuhan our Mak Andam of the day, Auntie Y.
Well done, Bravo Y !!!!

Sirih Junjung

Bunga Rampai dan Sebentuk Cincin

Senaskah Al Quran

Kain Sejadah

Coklat dan Manisan

The D-Day .......... early morning 29th December, 2012.
Preparing the buffet tables and settings at khemah tetamu .......

tangan2 mulus Achu tu ........ Awwwww

Finally the Akad Nikah ceremony at Surau Taman Selayang .......

here's the bride, Auntie B and Bella sharing light moment together 

ladies crowd ....... we the Mc Roddy's were in PURPLE !!!!

the gentlemen crowd ....... F1 listening to the Tok Kadi

Atok Ody gave away his daughter and solemnised the couple !!!!

F1 signing up the nuptial paper

they were finally husband and wife at 11.30 am  .......

Later at home before the lunch kenduri  ........

flower petals scattered around the Pelamin ........

the bride and bride groom exchanged wedding rings ........

Pengantin LAMA, Mama and Uncle H ........ Ha ha ha

Mummy and Co. Ltd. 

Gifts from the bride groom ...... Sireh Junjung, Mas Kahwin, Al Quran, Kain Telekung and a Cake

Tomorrow on the 1st January, 2013 the reception will be held by both families at Complex Sri Siantan Hall, Selayang. Mummy will broadcast the event later. Till here then, Happy 2013 New Year everyone. May our years ahead be more meaningful with lots and lots of loves !!!!!!


Friday, 28 December 2012

Long Overdue ....... Cuti2 Sekolah Part 1

Salam everyone ..... thousand apologise !!!!
This blog has been sleeping for quite a while  ...... sedar2 dah more than a month dah !!!!!

Earlier on Mummy was busy with PMR exam ...... but not me !!!! 
Ha ha ha  ...... who else if not my eldest, bro " z ".
After his exam, Mummy was busy studying for my own exam ....... This is for real ok ! 
Mummy has to sit for an exam too !!! Well, dah tua2 ni otak pun dah slow, FYI exam tu tak lepas. Gotta resit on coming January 2013.
Malu kat anak tau !!!!

Aritu sama2 study dengan anak, now has to study alone ....... MALAS nya mak oooi
But what to do ??? 
Work commitment, nak tak nak, just try my best ..... 
Anyway it set a good example to both the boys, tengok mummy dah tua2 pun study, there's no excuse for you not to ok ...... 

Right after school exam, just before the school holidays started, we went up to Cameron Highland again. This time around the whole family went up there, sort of family gathering for us. 

For a fresh start after been long sleeping from cyber world, enjoy our family photos up there.

started our journey quite early in the morning ..... convoy in 4 cars !!!

" u " while waiting for others to arrive at Simpang Pulai

halfway up the hill, beautiful greens ....... mummy loves green !!!!

Atok Ody seated next to Achu the driver, and Nek Gayah and Pak Ngah
 at the rear sit

Mama, Leeya and sons in one car and Uncle " H " drove his own Waja

our home for 2 nights ...... near to Kea Farm market 

Rose Apartment , ours on the 3rd floor !!!!

upon arrival we went to Raju's Farm to enjoy their sweets ...... the scones are superb but miss out the shoot ..... to busy tucking the sweet treats 

Our first itenary of the day .......... to Cactus Valley Agro farm !!!!!!

the strawberry farm ........

hydroponic plants ....... lovely greens !!!!

Italian parsely

Iceberg lettuce

the farm entrance

all those beautiful blooms .......

the hanging pots section .......

mummy loves this white lily, got myself one !!!! bunga orang mati scary tu !!!

what a beauty !!!

We then headed to Sg Palas Boh plantation .........

how I wish the bungalow was mine ...... in my dream Ahaks !!!

three golden girls ...... Ha ha ha !!! 

Mama and Uncle " H " ....... lovey dovey couple

Leeya ..... mengah memanjat

stop over ...... posing dulu

another lovey dovey .......  Auntie Y and Uncle J

dok memnjat ke atas tu la ...... cafe yg kat dalam movie tu

finally reached the top !!!!!

the workers barracks view from the top of the hill

and the tea plantation view .........

Till here then, to be continued on part 2, maybe next week ....... sorry guys, nak balek dah ni  !!!!