Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Miss Belang .....

    Our Miss Belang .......

She missed abang as well  ....... !!!!!

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

From SU to Tapah with Love .......

Bismilahi Rahman nir Rahim .....
A journey and a new begining of  ......
an independant life experiance away from home for bro " z " 
Mummy and " u " will definately miss you dear .....Hu hu hu !!!
" U " kata dia boring takde geng nak gaduh lepas balik sekolah.
Did I told you before bila takde nanti baru nak rindu rinduan ...... Adik beradik kan ???? 
Gaduh2 Sayang !!!!

All the best and enjoy your stay in Tapah my big boy.
I'm sure you are enjoying yourself meeting new friends in a new environment right now. 
Mummy sentiasa mendoakan kesejahteraan, keselamatan dan kejayaan kamu.
Take care, we'll see each other every other week .... Insya'allah !!!!    

Excited preparing some personal belonging for a life in Hostel/ Dorm/Asrama  ......... 

berapa banyak baldi da bro " z " ???? ...... baldi basuh baju, bakul baju kotor and baldi toiletries

wonder torch light tu nak suluh apa bang ????

lengkap tu ..... tak de cotton bud tak boleh budak ni, hari2 mest korek telinga even though tak gatal dan tak kotor .... tu yang tak faham ????

fork and spoon nak makan mee segera nanti ........ salah ke tak seludup Maggi Mee masuk dorm ???

kasut sekolah hitam, kasut sukan ( ooops lupa amik gambar ) and sandal pergi dining ......

Achu cakap kalah kasut kerja Pak Uda ...... kasut kedai Bata jer tu !!!!!

and few other things + makan2, but again lupa nak snap the photos ....... busy sesangat, we were notified just a week before the registration ...... kira last minute shopping la jugak. Mostly barang2 tu beli kat dalam SU Mall and Central Mart SU.

Welcome to your new school bro " z ",  SESTA singkatan Sek Sains Tapah

it's located just a few km after the Tapah exit ..... about 1hr 15 min drive from SU, Cameron Highland is about 58km from here !!!!! Outing nanti kita naik Brinchang ye.

school blocks are behind Dewan Sesta ...... bilik guru, guru besar dan pejabat are on the left

registration at Dewan Sesta on the 5th Mac, 2013 9.30am

kuaters guru2 di sebelah kiri sekolah, just behind the Balai Syura  ...... cantik2 tau, jelous la kenapa dulu2 tak mau jadi cikgu ha ????

School Library/ Pusat Sumber and ICT

Asrama Putera (Aspura) is at the back on far right ....... 

front entrance to the Aspura, setiap tingkat kiri tu kediaman warden and sebelah kanan blok tu laundry, washroom and toilets ( favourite place Uncle H ..... Ha ha ha !!!! )

bro " z " is on the 3rd floor Room 26 ......


katil tingkat atas tu ..... warna selimut tu represent rumah sukan !!!! So rumah merah pulak

sebelah kiri tu blok Asrama Puteri (Aspuri) , tengah2 tu Surau dan Dewan Makan ......

kami picnic depan hostel ...... bawak his favourite Sambal Tumis Sotong !!!!

Till we meet again ........ bye then.