Friday, 30 December 2011

Photoless entry .........

being an old fashion .......

Mummy has yet to ramble a single thing in the past few days .......
Nothing much actually, activities revolves around the boys school opening preparation. Finally bought their shoes 2 days ago, "Converse" brand is bro "z" choices and "u" settled for the "All America" ..... teenagers choices ??? Nowadays pupil are spoilt for choices, mummy last time only knew of "Bata" brand only ..... ha ha ha !!!
Anyway ...... both are not that demanding when comes to brand names, they are quite reasonable. I'm thankful for that .... Alhamdulillah !!!! Mummy loves you lots.

Don't quite like the idea of exposing the boys to branded good yet ..... just wants to educate them the value of money by learning to appreciate things reasonably at their suitable age. Hope they will grow up being wise in identifying the necessity or necessary in life. There are still long way for them to go  out there and discover in their life in the future. May Allah SWT  always bless you both !!!!  

Sorry, there is no photo in today's entry ....... quite bored and dull !!!!! 
Mummy did snaps some photos of our meals for the past days, but the camera in now run out of battery. Too bad couldn't upload and shoot new photos since last night.
Mummy's camera is kind of an old fashion one ...... still using the normal battery. In fact almost every gadgets that mummy's own are old fashion claimed my sons .....  ha ha ha !!!!
What to do, I'm just your old fashion mum ..... and you've got to live with it. Mummy doesn't mind spending and spoiling you guys for luxury food but not on gadget ..... sorry boys  
Will get new batteries at a local camera shop later at noon. 

Till here then ...... to be continued !!!

Monday, 26 December 2011

Hooray .... another day of holiday

Best !!!! .... Saturday, Sunday + Monday ....... 3 days off in a row.
Saturday busy with the cake decoration, Sunday wasn't well just resting and today, Monday another rest, rest and a very good rest.

Anyway still preparing for the boys untuk bukak sekolah next week kan ?
Baju sekolah dah complete, seluar dah beli, socks baru beli ....... tinggal kasut sekolah and buku latihan je yang nak kena beli. The boys will buy the books themselves, kasut next weekend la ..... dah malas nak keluar ....... enjoying myself at home cooking and baking !!!!

Lets join our meals for the past few days okay ........
                          we are not celebrating Xmas but feel like eating something ????

The boys wanted Xmas turkey but mummy baked stuffed roasted chicken ..... whose gonna finish the whole turkey ??? mummy doesn't want to end up eating turkey 3 days and nights, chicken is much more smaller boys !!!!  Anyone is interested ..... come and follow our tutorial.

                                   cleaned the chicken thoroughly ...... inside out

                       marinated with salt, pepper, rosemary leaves, lemon and butter

                          stuffed the chicken with crouton, chicken liver, egg and spices

                                    cover whatever necessary .........
                                                                 bake in the oven 180'C for an hour

                                          the stuffed chicken is now ready ..........

   we enjoyed the roasted chicken with coleslaw + mashed potatoes ( KFC punya la ) 

   had blueberry triffle pudding as our desert ...... marvellous !!!!

                            cover the chocolate Swiss roll with blueberry fillings + whip cream

                                        pour in the chocolate custard mixture  .......

                                 line up with some chocolate ganache .......

           final coat of the remaining whip cream + blueberry and off to the fridge      

                                          served cold ........ mmmmm the boys always love triffle                  

     More of our other meals ........
                                                                the breakfasts 

                      sardine puff using leftover "sambal sardin" and ready made pastry puff

                                      mee goreng hailam panas2 makan dgn cili jeruk

                        lauk pauk  kampung for lunch   ........... 

masak lemak cilipadi ikan sepat masin+tomato biji, daging masak kicap dan ikan kembong goreng garing2 ...... favourite mummy and bro "z" !!!!!


What's for dinner tonight ????
What if we have Maggi Mee, teringin pulak nak makan Maggi Curry.
The boys mesti okay punya ...... Maggi is so precious to them ..... susah nak dpt approval kan !!!!!

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Rock Eco Resort Ulu Yam 5 ( FINAL )


Last Day : Sunday, 18th. Dec, 2011

12.00 pm : Aktiviti Bebas  -
                  everyone taking this last oppurtunity to" berendam "  !!!!!

1.00 pm : berkemas utk pulang, berkumpul utk solat zohor dan acara penutup majlis

2 .00 pm: makan tengahari

         berkemas pakaian dan bersiap untuk pulang ...... tengok bag2 yg dah siap tu !!!! 

                  Solat Zohor terakhir di imam oleh Ustaz Dr Latif .......

    memberi nasihat, teguran dan amanat terakhir ....... sedih masa ni tau

                                          oleh penasihat kem motivasi ......... Ust Dr Latif

                                                pengerusi surau Al Hidayah Saujan Utama 1

                                                   urusetia kem motivasi En Roslan

     ada yg begitu kusyuk mendengar amanat  .........

   dan ada jugak yg : bermacam2 ragam ....... ha ha ha !!!!!!

seterusnya acara penyampaian hadiah dan sijil penyertaan .......

akhirnya bersalam-salaman  ....... salam perpisahan !!!!!

tengok ustaz menitiskan airmata ...... sedih dan sayu Ooooo

sessi bergambar kenang-kenanagan ........

                          tengah susun kumpulan tu ...... yg depan tu pengarah ha ha ha !!!

aksi2 anak2 + bapa2 hebat

dan juga ibu2 + kakak2 hebat

kenangan bersama facilitators UIA

kenangan indah ..... tapak kasut tercabut waktu meredah sungai !!!!!

dan akhir sekali kenangan manis sewaktu

bertempat di Surau Al Hidayah Saujana Utama , 2010

Selepas kejayaan Kem Motivasi Siri 1, 2010, Siri 2 di teruskan pada tahun ini dan juga insya'allah pada tahun2 yang akan datang  ........ mudah2an kita semua dapat menjadi anak, ibu dan bapa dan juga manusia yang hebat