Saturday, 27 April 2013

April, Oh ... April !!!

Salam and Hi everyone,
Alhamdulillah ...... manage to find time this morning just to ramble again.
Sorry for the long overdue to those who are still following us, rasa nya dah berkurun lama nya tak update journal ....... year 2013 ni memang kurang sangat2 semangat menulis tu.

April 2013 is the most hectic and busy month for Mummy ....... So many incidences happen in April.
Things happen for a reason ......tapi hanya Allah SWT sahaja yang TAHU the reason kan ???

1st April, 2013 it's not April Fool, it's APRIL and MONDAY BLUES .......

Since bro "z" masuk ke asrama, Mummy depended a lot on "u" kalau setakat nak pergi kedai beli barang2 sikit2 tu. Unfortunately he was involved in an accident while riding motorbike. 
Nak jadi cerita, he knocked into someone's bumper. Tergolek la " u" kat tepi jalan masa on the way nak ke CM. 
Masa Mummy sampai kat tempat tu berderau darah tengok ramai nya orang berkerumum. Separuh Nyawa ku hilang !!!!
Ya Allah ..... Anakku !!! Teruk ke dia ????? Lemah lutut, macam2 dalam kepala otak waktu tu.

He was crying in pain ...... I was like crying in my heart, do not know what to do ???? I just turned blank at that moment. Luckily dalam ramai2 tu ada jugak jiran terdekat, they helped LOTS  

TQ Yah and Hashim !!! Hanya Allah saja yang dapat memebalas nya. 

We arrived at the Sg Buloh Hopital escorted by police patrol from SU.  His daddy arrived at midnight while we were still at the Emergency Unit. Mujurlah tak teruk sangat, cuma retak tulang di betis, tapi bersimen la drp tapak kaki sampai la ke peha !!!!

sila sign authorgraph anda  .....!!!!

Medical leaves 30 days ......  jadinya tak sekolah, tak tuition, tak mengaji and mcm2 tak le !!!!
Pening kepala mummy!!! Macam mana ni ??? This year PMR ???? Ujian Allah untuk kami. 

Moral of the story : Do not allow your kid to ride motorcycle without a valid driving licence, even though setakat belakang rumah. You never know what's going to happen?
Macam2 hal nak kena settle, naik turun balai polis Atok Ody, owner of the car and Mummy, mana nak compensate owner kereta tu lagi?..... Ujian, dugaan and cabaran, tabah lah duhai hati !!!!

Hikmah kejadian : your own flesh and blood will always be there for you in need and indeed. You can feel the true love ........ love without boundaries as a family.
TQ semua, Atok Ody, Auntie B , Uncle F 1, Uncle H, Mama, Pak Ngah, Achu, Uncle J and semua2 siblings Mummy di Selayang for all the supports, moral and financial during our difficult times. 

6th  April, 2013 Majlis Kesyukuran Atok & Nenek in Taman Selayang  

Atok Ody and Nek Gayah celebrated their 49th Wedding Anniversary on 5th April ago. They decided to hold a Kenduri Kesyukuran : ulangtahun perkahwinan + cucu bro "z" selamat dah masuk ke sekolah berasrama + "u"  TER selamat, not badly injured + Auntie B is going to have a baby ....... Yahoooo !!!! Another new addition to the Mc Roddy's family.
Syukur Alhamdulillah di atas semua nikmat yang Allah kurniakan kepada kami. Amin.

Just before that, Atok Ody turned 72 last 21st March 2013. Tak sempat nak ber blog pasal tu masa tu.  No birthday party thrown but Mummy bought him a small cake after work. The only cucu2 yang ada kat rumah Selayang pun only Bella and Syiap, the rest ada yang sekolah, tuition and away.
Kebetulan pulak, Mama belanja Nasi Biryani Mamak kedai mari ...... to celebrate her wedding anniversary which falls somewhere in March, so kira 2 in 1 celebration la hari tu. Congratulations & Happy Anniversary to Mama and Ayah H. Happy 72nd Birthaday Atok Ody !!!

Sorry poor quality photos, wonder why ????? Anyway enjoy je la .......

Tiramisu Cake for birthday boy !!!!

Ibrahim Maju Chicken Biryani .........

Happy Birthday Atok, tak sempat atok pakai baju, cucu2 dah tak sabar !!!!!

Majlis Kesyukuran & Makan2 6hb April tu .........

tetamu2 jemputan ....... anak beranak jer !!!!!!

kusyuk meng AMIN kan doa Atok Ody nampak nya  !!!! 

He was a centre of attraction ....... hasil seni sepupu2 kat simen tu 

mabuk lauk ni ........

semua ni nenek masak  ....... tak tau mana nak makan dulu ni ????

nasi puteh & nasi biryani ........

fruits cocktail pudding tu jer Mummy buat ........

Udang Bercili, Kurma Kambing, Sambal Tumis Sotong, Salad Telur, Ikan Bilis Goreng Cili Padi, Ikan Jenahak Sweet & Sour, Baked Chicken Wings dan Sayur Campur Goreng .......Nyum2

It's very poor internet connection right now, experiencing a few hangs up while trying to finish this story. Will continue again tonight on a brighter news from us.
Mean while, hang on there. Kita sambung nanti malam. Bye !

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