Sunday, 28 April 2013

Still on APRIL .......


Last night have been trying to finish this entry. Too bad, the server was too slow ...... as slow as a snail !!!!
We used to subcribed Celcom after terminating TM. Now we have switched to Maxis but the problems still remained the same. Should we change back to TM ?????
Frust betul la ....... bila dah ada mood menulis, server pulak buat hal.

Now let me ramble about the brighter side of April before the server went down again.

13th April, 2013 Hari Kecemerlangan SMKSU 2012.

Bro "z" was invited to his former school SMKSU to this event. Have to apply leave from his warden in order to take him out from the hostel on that particular weekend. He was so so happy, not because he got to attend the event ...... but to be able to come home. 

Well HOME SWEET HOME my son !!!!!

I guess it's common, semua budak2 duduk asrama mmg tak sabar2 nak balek bermalam yang sebulan hanya sekali tu kan ???? 
Alhamdulillah, I'm glad bro "z" had finally settled down with new life after a month.

A Happy Face ........ Keep it up bro "z" !!!!

 As early as 8.30am dah terpacak kat sekolah lama untuk pendaftaran  dan ambil jubah  ..........    

catching up with one of best buddy, Tsaqafi ....

meeting up with more friends ........ mostly now in boarding schools jugak

Dewan Gemilang Sekolah Saujana Utama !!!

best buddy Daniel, yg paling jauh di Kuala Terengganu skrg ni .........

dapat jumpa balek kawan2 dan cikgu2 lama ........ sakan berposing semua nya !!!!!

Perarakan Masuk ke Dewan Gemilang  

Tiba waktu untuk naik ke pentas .......

budak2 RMC tak perlu berjubah, they are the most outstanding and special among the rest ......... nampak segak dgn uniform tentera !!!!!

former class mates ......... say cheezeeee !!!!!

best buddy, Luqman Hakim ...... now in SMS Banting !!!!!

Mummy and Son, a proud moment ..... !!!!!

tak sempat snap atas pentas, dah turun ke bawah baru sempat, tapi gambar goyang la pulak ..... macam2 hal !!!

seronok tengok budak2 ni bercerita pasal sekolah baru masing2 .........

 sessi memulangkan jubah pulak selepas majlis selesai, sempat sembang2 lagi ......

last call to catch up with friends and cikgu2 ...... tak tau bila nak jumpa lagi kan ? 

from left now in SS Alam Shah, SMS Kuala Terengganu, SMS Tapah and Sek Integrasi Sabak Bernam .........Insya Allah kita jumpa lagi ye !!!!!!

Well, sampai sini dulu lah borak Mummy untuk hari ini. Nak turun siapkan breakfast untuk pesakit kaki sebelah tu ....... What's for breakfast today? Sarapan orang kampung je, Lempeng Kelapa upon request by "u", cicah dengan Kari Daging semalam ...... Ha ha ha !!!! Very unusual of him.

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