Tuesday 24 June 2014

Am still Around .......

Bismillahirahmanirahim .......
Ku mulakan dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah dan Penyayang
The above topic bermaksud "Aku Masih Di Sini" ........ Yesssss I am still around but my blogs has  been non active since April last year. Sekejap nyer dah more than a year !!!

So many things happened in the last one year. Too many ..... Busy with work at a new department.
Adjusting to new environment ....... new bosses and staffs sampai sedar2 dah lebih setahun tak ber blogging rupanya.

Semangat nak mula balik tu ada tapi tak taulah boleh bertahan ke tidak .......
Hopefully will keep on updating for the sake of my two lovely boys ( boys lagi ke ....... errr young man is more accurate ) I started this journal for them, have to keep moving for them too.
Kalau Mummy dah tak ada lagi di dunia ini, sekurang2 nya they can still read the memories that Mummy has written down all these years.

Insya'allah just wait and see for the next episode  !!!