Monday 5 March 2012

Exam Fever .....

Salam everyone ....... Have a Happy Monday morning !!!!
The boys first term exam started today ..... and the exam fever heat has started since last week. That's the reason why this journal has been abandon for quite a while. Everyone is busy .....  the boys were busy with school, tuition and revision, and mummy was busy too being the chef, driver cum motivator !!!!
Good Luck my boys, just do your best ......  Mummy DOA kan kamu !!!

Can't remember what and when was the cooking for last week being captured ...... ???? 

                                              Sambal tumis Sotong segar

                                           tumis air sayur petola + sohun + fish balls
                                          Ikan Bawal Hitam masak Sweet and Sour

                                           Anyway TQ for the food photos bro " z "

Saturday, 3rd. Mac, 2012

Our breakfast of reheated frozen roti canai from the pasar Jumaat + frozen dhal from the fridge too. 
We decided to go out for lunch later, mummy wanted to close the kitchen for the day to do some cake baking for Sunday event.

Suddenly Atok Ody called up to invite us for lunch at Selayang ...... mcm org ngantuk di sorong bantal or pucuk di cita ulam mendatang ........ whatever it is, yahoo no cooking for me !!! Managed to bake the cake before we left to Selayang, will decorate it by that night itself.  
On our way to Selayang later in the afternoon, the boys requested for .......

                                                      I'm Loving It .......  Mc D


                                              Double Quarter Pounder for " u"

                                           and Spicy Chicken Burger for bro " u "

Mummy reserved my tummy for Nek Gayah's cooking ...... looking foward to eat her good food though. The boys doesn't feel like eating rice ........ they longed for fast food. Memang dah lama betul tak makan Mc D ...... malas betul nak drive out to go and buy hik hik hik !!!!
Nenek prepared biryani rice, beef koorma, prawn sambal, jelatah timun and fried pappadum.
Mummy makan sampai terlupa nak ambik gambar ha ha ha !!!!  Sedap ..... Auntie Y tak dtg RUGI tau.

 Atok Ody's  TV broke down and he bought a new set . His new LCD screen is superb !!!!
Mummy decided to have one too, since ours at home broke down as well. Our Samsung 46" TV  broke down last November for the second time. It cost us RM 700 to repair the mother board 2 years ago. Since then we have been using an old TV meant for " u " PS2 games. Thought of repairing the 46" TV  again but Atok suggested we buy a new one and repair that one later, the reparing cost is quite high.    

                                  the PS2 TV that we borrow from "  u "

Alhamdulillah ......  last Saturday we've got ourselves a new TV too ...... a 32"  Sharp Aquos LCD dah tak sakit mata dah Auntie B, crystal clear screen !!!!                  

                           proudly present our new LCD which cost us RM 850 only

          the new 32" Sharp in front of the 46" Samsung as comparizon to the size

Unfotunately that night we spent less time in front of the TV, need to complete our cake decorating. Lucky both the boys were giving their helping hand ....... TQ dears, muah muah muah !!!! 

                    the process of decorating the lady bug cakes for 5 birthday kids

                               made 1 big bug and 3 small bugs ..........

                                and 2 small bumble bees too .........

                                the bugs and bees are for Iwan, Tina, Sarah, Syauqi .......

                                                    and kakak Nana ........

We completed the fondant decorating at almost midnight .......... then off to Zzzzzzzland !!!!!

Sunday, 4th. Mac, 2012

                                Sunday breakfast we all makan cereals + milk saje 

After the zohor prayer we left for Puchong to Tok Teh and Nek Teh's house. Both are going to perform their Umrah in the next coming school holidays.
They held a kenduri doa selamat cum celebrating their grandkids birthday, a 2 in 1 celebration. We arrived at almost half past two ...... straight away makan2 and mingled around with saudara mara.
Atok Man, Nek Ram and anak beranak were there too.
We left home even before the cake cutting ceremony, bro " z " wanted to leave early ..... he's too damn worry about his exam this week, not in a mood of happy hours at all.

         Happy Birthday to Nana, Syauqi, Tina, Sarah and Iwan ....... !!!! Enjoy your day !!!!

To Tok Teh and Nek Teh, Selamat menjalani ibadah Umrah semuga dipermudahkan segala urusan, mendapat umrah yang mabrur dan selamat pergi dan selamat kembali ...... Insya'allah

How Mummy missed Mecca and Madina, when will I have the chance to go there again ????

                                    the most sweetest memories of year 2009 ........

Last night was the last and full swing revision for the boys, both were in good spirit ..... Alhamdulillah !!!

1 comment:

  1. btw lenkali nak wat sambal sotong.. sila lah jemput peminat setia ni..

    hehehehe.. beli tv cam beli eskem.. tetiba dah ter beli.. hukhukhuk
