Thursday 3 May 2012

2 Days ago ..... a Labour Holiday !!!!

Hi there ...... Happy belated Labour Day to those workers out there !!!! 
Workers mean those who work,  no matter you work in the office, hospital, factory, at home or anywhere. So those homemaker deserved to celebrate the Labour Day too and their hard work at home being recognised as well. 
Since 1st. May was a public holiday for Labour Day, Mummy believed everyone were having good time at home or went outing with family and loves one. So did us.

Monday the 30th. April after work, we decided to go to Selayang and spent a night there with Atok Ody. Nek Gayah, Pak Ngah, Pak Uda and Auntie S went back to Kemaman last Sunday.
Atok Ody was left with Achu in Selayang ........ kesian Atok kena jaga Bella !!!! On Mummy's way home from the office, drop by at kedai Ayamas to get a Percik Roaster for Atok. We knew very well he loves Ayamas very much !!! 

Achu supposed to take Atok out for dinner ..... but Atok prefered packs nasi lemak + Ayamas at the comfort of his home ......... both Atok and Nenek seldom and always refused to dine in out door !!!! 

The next morning after breakfast we left Atok's house to do some shopping in the city. Nenek and the rest were on their way back to KL from Kemaman that morning. Atok looked very happy ..... one can see he really missed Nenek company hmmmmmm ........ looking forward for her returning home.

we were here on Labour Day suggested by Auntie B.........  !!!!

Mummy took the boys to Ampang Point upon request. " U " has been asking Mummy to get him new shirts. Mummy will normally shop for new clothing for Hari Raya ...... but this time around I guess they need some new shirts earlier than that. The boys have grown taller so fast this lately ( taller than their mummy now, mummy pulak rasa mcm ketot je )  ...... so most of their shirts sort of hanging above the waist line ....... ha ha ha !!!! Kesian la pulak ...... jom2 kita cari baju.

Tshirts at the Branded Outlets, 3 for RM50 ...... yang pink tu " U " punya !!???? tak tercapai dek akal ku, dia nak warna pink ?? Any comment Auntie B ???

bro " z " choosed blue shirt and " u " with Justin Beiber favourite colour !!!! Buy 1 Free 1 .....

After lunch at Ampang Yong Tow Foo near by Ampang Point, we headed to Jalan Putra to the

Our initial plan were to go to PWTC before going to Ampang Point, but the traffic going there were too bad that we diverted to Ampang first. Anyway the traffic was still in havoc when we went there after 2pm ....... redah aje la, dah berapa kali tangguh !!!! Meet up with Uncle J at the car park nearby. He was kind enough offering to take us around the Book Fair. TQ Uncle J.

we spent most of the time on the 2nd floor looking for bro " z "  reference and exercise books

 look at the crowd ........ hingar bingar nya, panas nya ........  poning jugak la kopala den !!!

Mummy and bro " z  " wanted to spent more time on the ground floor at the Karangkraf Publisher booth ......... many interesting reading materials. Ramai yang duduk bersila atas lantai baca buku2 dan majalah, how nice if we could join them too. But with " u " around we couldn't do so, he has been pushing us to get out of the place as soon as possible. Kacau daun betul la budak ni ...... next time, no more of him at any Book Fair ........ he read selectively +  less patience at crowd area.

bro " z  " was happy with his goodies from the Book Fair  ........ Selamat Mentela'ah ye

We left PWTC at after 4pm and went to The Mall across the street. Haven't been there for quite a while, not much changes except for Yaohan is now Parkson Grand and the Amusement Park on  the top floor is closed for good. They boys used to play at the park when they were still toddler !!!!!
Uncle J took us to the top floor at Medan Hang Tuah for drinks. It was raining quite heavy. We decided to leave after the rain stop an hour later. Lega rasanya hujan turun ..... dah lebih 2 minggu kering dan panas je, sakit tekak la, nak demam la, semua ada masa cuaca panas2 ni. Sampai je kat rumah sempat jugak minum2 petang ....... letih giler tau !!!!!  

   having our blissful tea time sipping hot Cameron tea while waiting for Maghrib prayer ......... 

Cameron Highland tea packs of various flavours complimentary from Achu's previous visit 

they got these at a Brand Ware House Sales in The Mall

We reached home at half past 6, and it started to rain in SU ...... bersambung2 la hujan sampai ke malam. We had a good sleep that night, soothing and cooling atmmosphere while it was still raining until the next morning. How we wish the next day is still a public holiday !!!!!  
But then, it's a reality everyone need to get up to our usual routine of going off to work and school again ........
We enjoyed our holiday even though it's just for one day break only. 
Life is back to normal on weekdays, looking foward to weekend now ........ ha ha ha !!!!!



  1. mummy.. kalau dah skinny jeans tu.. mmg kaler baju akan pink... aku dah tau ponkkk

    1. gitu ker ???? ingat ke dah ada awek yg minat warna pink mcm pak uda dolu2 tu ......

  2. tapi apa hal ..... raya tahun ni mintak baju melayu pink jugak ???? u'an tentang 100%, skrg tgh negotiate warna lain selain drp pink ....

  3. mmg mummy.. jantan pakai pink luk macho katanya bdak2 jaman skg..
